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1 December 2003 Pyrrhospora gowardiana, A New Montane Lichen from Western North America (Lecanoraceae, Lichenized Ascomycetes)
Toby Spribille, Markus Hauck
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Pyrrhospora gowardiana Spribille & Hauck is described as a new crustose lichen with red apothecia growing primarily on twigs and bark of Larix, Pinus, and Pseudotsuga in montane western North America. It differs from the widespread and circumboreal P. cinnabarina (Sommerf.) Choisy in absence of soredia; verruculose to verrucose, grayish thallus; larger, more strongly convex apothecia; and occurrence in dry, exposed habitats. The species is furthermore the first representative of its genus from which pycnidia have been reported.

Toby Spribille and Markus Hauck "Pyrrhospora gowardiana, A New Montane Lichen from Western North America (Lecanoraceae, Lichenized Ascomycetes)," The Bryologist 106(4), 560-564, (1 December 2003).[560:PGANML]2.0.CO;2
Received: 28 February 2003; Accepted: 1 July 2003; Published: 1 December 2003
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